Bucknell Hill Woods update

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Bucknell Hill Woods 

As some of you may know we are in the process of developing our own downhill area near Bucknell with the idea of being able to run more regular uplifts and host some of our racing. We are in the very early stages of development so you will need to bear with us for a little while yet. Obviously Dave is Digging, so he is happy as a pig in ....... but we're not ready for you all to come exploring and see what it's all about just yet.

The site is in a very sensitive location with narrow lanes approaching and a number of different access points. Once we will have access to a hard standing area that will be open only for uplift days, but not as a public carpark. The site is bordered by a bridleway and green lane but it is private, so there is no right of way to anyone not on either of those.

If you have been invited to visit us for any reason we recommend parking at a Forestry carpark near Meeroak Farm accessed from Bedstone. There is very little roadside parking Bucknell side so please avoid this where possible and do not block gateways or access points.

Directions: From the B4367 road between Bucknell and Hopton Heath turn into Bedstone Village, by the School. Head up into the village and when the road bares right, turn left. Follow this for 1/4 and then turn right up a dead end lane. Follow this for 1 mile to reach the parking which will be on your left. This lane is tarmac all the way with some rough and narrow areas that need approaching with caution.

W3W location:


Access Redwood